The well-known writing instrument manufacturer Diplomat from Cunewalde, Germany produces high-quality writing instruments. One of them is the Excellence A+ series. One of the designs in this series is the Wave, which is the subject of this article.

The writing instrument manufacturer Diplomat shows time and again that it can produce excellent pens. The crowning glory is certainly the Zepp. But there are also excellent pens in the normal range, for example the popular Aero.

But of course, there are other pens. The “Excellence A+” series has a not so common name, but it stands for a whole range of very interesting writing instrument variants. Not least the “Wave”, which is the subject of this article.

The Diplomat Excellence A+ Wave

As bulky as the full name may be, the fountain pen I have here for testing is interesting.

The name “Excellence A+” indicates the series, which also defines the shape of this fountain pen. We have here a flat cap tip decorated by a white element with the Diplomat logo. The silver-coloured clip is spring-loaded and is pleasant to use without the constant danger of it breaking. The end of the cap is marked by a wide silver-coloured ring. The lettering “DIPLOMAT – since 1922” and “made in germany” can be found on this ring.

The Wave has a screw-on cap under which we find the usual large nib from Diplomat. You can choose between a steel and a 14 ct bicolour gold nib and between the nib widths Extra Fine and Broad.

The nib merges into the black plastic grip, which in turn ends in the short thread for the cap. It takes about a quarter of a turn to screw on the cap. The thread does not interfere with the handle. It is hardly noticeable haptically. The shaft has a flat, silvery end.

The most striking feature is the guilloche on the cap and the shaft. Fine lines in a wave pattern have been guilloched into the matt black body.

There is no subsequent surface lacquering over the guilloched body.

The Diplomat in use

Thanks to its metal barrel and cap, the Diplomat is not one of the lightest fountain pens. However, it is not a heavyweight, whether the cap is posted or not. The pen lies well in the hand. Even for large hands, it is long enough without the cap posted.

The nib of the Wave, in this test an M steel nib, has a slight feedback and belongs to the rather rigid nibs. All in all, however, it is a good nib for writing.

The short thread is very practical in use. It keeps the pen firmly closed. But even with a slight twist, the pen is ready to write.

My impression of the Diplomat Excellence A+ Wave

I like the Diplomat Excellence A+ Wave very much. It is a pen that is striking and simple at the same time. How so? The shape and the actual appearance are rather plain. The fine silver-coloured lines loosen up the simplicity a little, but are still discreet. But as soon as the guilloche catches the light when the pen is moved, it is reflected back in a beautiful play of light. Turning the Wave in the light in your hands could almost be hypnotic.

Another point is the lack of lacquer over the guilloche. Many pens that are guilloched are lacquered again to protect them. A change in the surface is often not noticeable. Here, however, the guilloching is noticeable. It gives the pen a very special feel thanks to this fine guilloche. It is not unpleasant. On the contrary. I like to touch the pen.

Writing with the Wave is also very pleasant. The steel nib has a fine feedback and is rather stiff, but it is pleasant to write with and you can't fault the behaviour here.

The screw cap is also well solved. The short thread is at the end of the grip area, but with a normal posture you shouldn't have to hold the pen there. If you do have to, the thread is so small and flat that it doesn't interfere in any way.

Because it is a short thread, the pen can be used quickly. A small turn is all it takes. But it holds tight enough in normal everyday use.

All in all, the Diplomat Excellence A+ Wave is a good pen that I like to use and can only recommend.

Technical data

Weight (empty)

complete: 41 g
without cap: 25 g
cap: 16 g


Cap: 14 mm
Shaft: 13.3 mm
Mouthpiece: 11.4 mm


closed: 13.9 cm
without cap: 13.1 cm
Cap posted: 15.4 cm


Closure: Screw cap
Type: Cartridge / Converter (Standard International)


There is also a video review of this fountain pen on YouTube. Just have a look.


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Test Samples The product described here was provided to me by the manufacturer free of charge for this review. This was done without specifications and without influence on the article by the manufacturer. The opinion written here, whether positive or negative, reflects my own assessment.


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