The year 2023 is over and I would like to take a look back. I'd like to look back at which fountain pens made up the TOP 10 for me that year.

Of course, this is purely subjective. These are fountain pens that I particularly like and use often. Fountain pens that I particularly like.
If a fountain pen is not on this list, it doesn't mean anything, of course. It is purely my subjective perception. This is not a devaluation of fountain pens.

And the list was not easy for me. Not easy at all. There are so many great fountain pens out there, and sometimes a decision is based on just a minimal nuance.

My TOP 10 fountain pens of 2023:

10th place: Cleo Skribent Aura Laguna Dragon

This fountain pen stands out. Because the pattern is striking. A scale pattern. And each fountain pen is a little unique, because the exterior is slightly different for each fountain pen.

But this color alone is striking. And then with scales.

Of course, that's not the reason why this fountain pen is on this list.
For me, it feels good in the hand. And it has a 14k gold nib that writes very comfortably. And all in an absolutely beautiful exterior.

For me, this fountain pen is an excellent pen in terms of writing behavior alone.

9th place: Diplomat Magnum John Doe

I like this fountain pen. But this is also due to the nib that my pen has. Because this is probably not the usual behavior of the normally installed nibs.

For me, this nib has a pleasant, flexing behavior. But it also writes quite broadly for a fine nib. The stroke width is not really what you want from a fine nib. But I am very impressed by the flexing behavior. And then I just have a fine nib that writes wider.

But as I mentioned before, this is probably not normal in these fountain pens.

But that's just how I like the fountain pen. Wonderful writing. A nice flex. And it would be a good fountain pen otherwise too. But it's in my TOP 10 as it is.

8th place: ONLINE Bohemian Art

This fountain pen is small. Smaller than most, anyway. It is described as a “midi” size. And yet it is extremely usable.
For shorter texts, simply unscrew the cap. For longer texts, simply screw the cap onto the barrel end.

The Bohemian Art is an attractively priced fountain pen that writes well.

The nib cannot compete with an expensive 14k gold nib, but in my opinion it is perfectly usable. The small shape, the good nib and the look make me reach for this little fountain pen again and again.

The only drawback is that it doesn't fit a standard full-length converter. But there are solutions in the form of shorter standard converters.

7th place: Platinum Procyon

Platinum has some great fountain pens in its range. And all of them actually have good writing properties. Even the inexpensive preppy.

But the Procyon is a far cry from the preppy. Last but not least, the feel is completely different. Which is of course also due to the metal casing. A lightweight casing. And the nib makes this fountain pen an excellent writer.

The system called “slip & seal” reliably ensures that the nib does not dry out. And we're talking about a long time, during which the ink is immediately usable.

A good fountain pen, even if you leave it filled for a while.

6th place: Diplomat Elox Matrix

This fountain pen also stands in a way for the related Elox and Aero pens. These are fountain pens that I really like.

But the Elox Matrix is the one I've used the most here in the last year.

I also really like the design. The dark exterior is broken up by the few lines.

These fountain pens feel great in my hand. They give me a very comfortable writing posture. But the large nib also writes excellently. A beautiful writing experience.

Ultimately, this is a fountain pen that I reach for time and time again

To the review of the Diplomat Elox Matrix

5th place: Otto Hutt design03

A fountain pen in the Bauhaus style. Straightforward. And yet with enough details to make it very interesting.

The rounded ends that don't just go outwards. And also the printed decoration. The line with the OH logo. Which is perhaps only nice at first glance. But if you have other types of pen, you realize what else it has to offer. Because each pen type has this logo printed in a slightly different place. So if you have several pens, you can see exactly which one is which type. Even without opening it first. A nice little idea.

But all together in a beautiful pen with good writing properties. And with a wonderful nib.

4th place: Kaweco Supra Black

This fountain pen has worked its way to the top of my list in a short space of time. But it also had it easy. Because I've been using the Supra for a long time and like it. The brass Supra.

Now, shortly after the review, the black Supra has managed to get me to use it all the time.

It's a little lighter than I think is ideal, I like heavy fountain pens. But it feels good in the hand and is a great fountain pen for on the go. Screwed cap. Sturdy exterior. And then a smart look with a good nib.

Compared to the brass version, it is lighter, as previously mentioned. But your fingers don't smell of metal afterwards. Which can happen with the brass version. Which usually doesn't bother me, but can be annoying when you're out and about.
And apart from that … it's in a nice matt black 😉

To the review of the Kaweco Supra Black

3rd place: Visconti Homo Sapiens

This fountain pen is always a very special one for me. Not only because it is particularly important to me for various reasons. It is also a very special fountain pen.

With so many special features. Starting with the material used for the barrel: Lava stone.
But it's also a really great writing instrument in other respects. For me, it sits perfectly in the hand. A great balance. And then there's the feel.

The nib can be problematic. But when it writes, it's a great writing experience. In this version with a stub nib, however, a lot of ink gets onto the paper.

2nd place: Waldmann Commander 23

The Commander was already on this list last year. A fountain pen with a very comfortable weight (for me). A reasonable size, even for my large hands. And good looking too. But this fountain pen was discontinued by Waldmann.

The Commander 23 came out in 2023.
A new edition, which I had already shown here.

For me, this new edition, with its small but subtle changes, has massively upgraded this already great fountain pen.

Among other things, we got a larger nib here. And when you look at it in comparison, it fits this writing instrument much better. But the small external visual changes also fit well.

A really great writing experience and writing behavior.

To the review of the Waldmann Commander 23

1st place: Diplomat Nexus

This fountain pen came here in a review at the end of 2022. And had already made it into the top 10 in 2022. And now it's at the top.

I like this simple yet chic design. Straightforward. And unagitated in shape. But still a great design.

If you're looking for negative points, you might find the cut-out for the viewing window. That's just an incision. The window is behind it. However, this is necessary due to the mechanism of this particular eyedropper. At least if we want to have an ink window.

But also that we have a really great nib here. And, of course, that the capacity is so large.

I always find myself reaching for it. Even when other great fountain pens are right next to it.

To the review of the Diplomat Nexus

That was my very personal TOP 10.
Not objective. Purely subjective.

Most of the fountain pens have been on the market a little longer. But this is not a report on the TOP 10 new products. These are the fountain pens that have kept me particularly busy this year. The ones I used the most.

I can't wait to see what 2024 has in store for fountain pens.


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